High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Side Event, Convened by the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Economic and Social Council
10 July 2020
12:15 – 13:30 p.m. (EDT), via WebEx Event,
The event is being convened by the President of the Economic and Social Council and the President of the United Nations General Assembly on the margin of the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to update the international community on the progress the FACTI Panel has made and the tentative findings from the analytical work of the Panel. It will provide a forum for reflections on the future direction of the Panel, particularly in light of the current status of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The event will bring together high-level representatives from civil society, academia Member States, and the business sector to explore challenges and priority actions for promoting international financial accountability, transparency and integrity. It will take place in advance of a FACTI Panel-organized interactive consultation with Member States on 21 July 2020.
Statement of Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, FACTI Panel Co-Chair
Statement of Dr. Dalia Grybauskaite, FACTI Panel Co-Chair