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April 8, 2021

FACTI Panel Informal Technical Meeting with Tax Administrators from Asia Pacific


April 8th 2021, 12:00 – 13:30 PM GMT

The virtual briefing aims at raising the awareness of government officials about the FACTI Panel recommendations to reform and revitalize the frameworks, mechanisms, and tools for enhancing cooperation and, ultimately, financial integrity and transparency. The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the role of national and regional mechanisms and to share experiences and best practices. This meeting aims to start a discussion towards the following objectives and informing the global tax and development debate in Asia-Pacific’s context:

•      Familiarize the tax officials with the FACTI Panel’s work and recommendations

•      Discuss the relevance of this work in the region, share experiences of progress and systemic challenges faced in implementing these recommendations

•      Address the advantages to promote the cooperation on international tax and financial transparency matters in Asia-Pacific as well as future strategies for the region.

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