18 February 2021, 12:00- 13:30 (UTC), via WebEx Events
The Panel will discuss with civil society and thought leaders about their views on priority actions that can generate political momentum for promoting financial accountability, transparency and integrity for achieving the 2030 Agenda. The main objectives for this meeting are to:
1. Familiarize stakeholders with FACTI Panel’s work and discuss its relevance in the region in order to fortify the commitment of Member States to realize the 2030 Agenda;
2. Solicit inputs on how to take advantage of the FACTI Panel’s work, including identifying key individuals and organizations that would be interested in hearing and promoting the FACTI Panel’s findings and framing the messages that would resonate with policymakers and other stakeholders; and
3. Discuss strategies and next steps to follow to ensure that the work of FACTI Panel becomes known in the region and to promote implementation of its recommendations.